Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Project #3

Construction Paper Pixels, the overflowing sink, and the mannequin whose head caught fire.  This is what my mother who is visiting, got to wake up to in the morning, like most people who know me, this kind of thing came as no surprise.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Get Well Soon

Who needs Hallmark when you have lolcats?   May you have a comfortable and speedy recovery Ty :)


Sooo if you ever spot someone smiling whilst riding a lawnmower, it's because of allegra?

Monday, May 7, 2012

My Day (in no particular order)

Day 35

So yesterday afternoon I decided to go to get Pho, then I wanted to go sit in a forest, but then I was like no wait I want to go to the beach!  And then I decided I wanted to go to Newport (only time I'd been was for my sister Jessica's wedding).  My whole day had been planned around solitude, I love people, but it's really nice to get to chill out by myself...of course this usually never works out because humans and I always end up finding each other which is exactly what happened yesterday, I went around town on the look out for an art supply store when I came upon a pizzaria, I stopped in and chatted with the owner for a bit, and soon arrived an older couple who I recognized from when I'd checked into the hotel, the wife struck up a conversation with me and invited me to sit with her and her husband.  We ended up hanging out for seven hours chatting, eating ice cream and watching random fire dancers on the beach.  Around 11:50 pm I headed down to the beach, and saw a lone guy building a bonfire, still wanting to fulfill my whole solitude plan I thought "nope" and walked the opposite way down the beach, climbed up a cliff ledge, sat on it, gazed at the ocean and stars and started giggling for no particular reason.  Then I scrambled down back to the beach and saw a faint bit of smoke ahead, I approached the cloud and realized someone had built a fire not to long ago (it wasn't the guy from earlier, his fire was still burning) so I sat down by the little pit and started to poke at a charred log with a stick, I spotted embers and started blowing on them, eventually a fire sprung to life and I was very pleased because I've never even lit a fireplace before, I stayed by the fire until it went out, and then tempted, started another one using whatever embers were left to set fire to a new log.  It was a very pleasant night.  I woke up this morning determined to paint a picture, so I continued on my quest for and art shop, on the way to the art shop I found a really awesome rustic candy shop, so I stopped in and bought a rum truffle, it was delicious!!  Then I stopped into a thrift store where an old man two older ladies informed me where to find an art store.  Jump ahead a bit, and ended up at a lighthouse, I walked down to a pebbled beach, sat myself down and started painting, there were quite a few curious onlookers, but I didn't mind everyone was really friendly and just having a good time.  I'll post the final(ish?) product underneathe.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Day 34

"i hope this doesn't sound weird, but i had a nap today and dreamt that you had an ostrich. and for some strange reason, we were riding it around eugene like a boss. just thought you might have liked to know that!" -Melanie Lim

My crappy criminal sketch rendition of her dream

Wednesday, May 2, 2012