Saturday, February 25, 2012

Neon Bloop

Day 47

Inspiration: Andy Warhol documentary about his muses.; Medium: Photograph and Photoshop; Current feeling about sketch: Cold...and my brain is all fuzzy from congestion...neon colors remind me of poison, even glow sticks are toxic.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Day 46 (Iceberg)

Day 46 (Broken)

Inspiration:  I woke up this morning with a terrible sore throat, the kind where my saliva feels like broken glass sliding down my throat.  Now I know why I slept so much yesterday, I have the flu, hooray!; Medium: An unfinished painting, undisposed food items: dried tangerine peels, bits of chocolate, gummy bears, and egg shells.  I then took photos and went crazy in Photoshop; Current feeling about sketch(es): Why is birth celebrated more than death?  And why is life the neutrality between the two?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Squashed Mosquito

Day 45

Inspiration: Perspective.; Medium: Photoshop using a Wacom tablet; Current feeling about sketch: "Ah, now that's perfect." Hehe that's a quote I heard from a buddhist monk who viewed everything as perfection, he's super adorable.  I however think this looks like a squashed mosquito!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Day 43

Inspiration: Still Life With Animated Dogs.; Medium: Photoshop using a Wacom tablet; Current feeling about sketch: I miss my dog, and I think I need to clear some memory off my hard drive, it's been acting crazy.

Day 44

Inspiration: Still Life With Animated Dogs and Caesar Milan.; Medium: Photoshop using a Wacom tablet; Current feeling about sketch: Animals are so loyal, last night I found my gerbil outside of his cage and I called him and he ran to my hand, I felt a little guilty putting him back in his cage.

Monday, February 20, 2012

My Doodle Mountains

Day 42

Inspiration: My computer was running slow so i started drawing and didn't see what I drew until two seconds later, so I spent the whole drawing with delays, no erasing, just guessing a going. Medium: Photoshop with wacom tablet; Current feeling about sketch: I would like to develop these weekend doodles at some point.


Day 41

Inspiration: My friend Eli.  We watched "Julie and Julia" and ate drunk gummy bears.; Medium: Ballpoint pen; Current Feeling about sketch: So much nonsensical doodling.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Day 40

Inspiration: Conversation with Andrea at Andrea's boutique, we are going to drink tea next time I visit.; Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: I want to add text to the top, not sure what, but it's been nice just doodling without purpose.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Day 39

Inspiration: Joanna Newsom Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: I want a golden birdcage for my gerbil Harvey.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Little Jon

Day 38

Inspiration: I was just talking to my friend Little Jon, who's all the way over in New York, and he informed me he was in a car wreck this week, quite fortunately/surprisingly he wasn't injured to which I am deeply grateful (the door was sitting on his lap).  The main source of inspiration though, happened when Little Jon started poking fun at me for I can't even remember what, this photo of him was my response. Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: I think it's an improvement...this message was approved by Little Jon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I look homeless...but I have a Prius.

Day 37

Inspiration: Failed my first midterm (I refuse to drink coffee or anything ever), drove my friend Montana to get antibiotics for her strep throat, her mom called and was at the vet with their pet cat who was found run over (poor kitty), drove to the vet, kitty is probably gonna be fine, drove pals home, drove myself home, hurried to print off my project from my brain is broken, hurried to grocery store before it closed, bought spaghetti noodles and sauce, went home and began to rip bag open with teeth, passed by mirror and laughed at how pathetic I looked, took a photo, called mom, sent mom photo, and forced her to feel sorry for me, that didn't work, we both just ended up laughing, mom hung up to go finish watching Breaking Dawn part mom is more of a teenager than I'll ever be;  Current feeling about sketch: I demolished that spaghetti!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project #3

(Early Stage 1)
Day 34
(Early Stage2)
Day 35
(Early Stage 3)

Day 36


Saturday, February 11, 2012


Day 33

Inspiration: The worst cramps in the world. Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: That explains why I've been bingeing on so many avocados.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Day 32

Inspiration: Bingeing on avocados. Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: Ugh, I'm so over avocados right now.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sticks and Stones

Day 31

1) Bring a camera and a sketchbook. 
2) Go outside where there is reasonable space to roam.
3) Find a rock or stick that you would be able to identify should you have to throw and retrieve it.  Before you pick it up, take a picture of it AND draw it.

4) Pick up rock/stick and chuck it in a random direction (please don't hit anyone).  
5) Go to the place it lands.  Draw it, take a photo of it, and then draw or take a photo of something interesting about that spot.  Think of a song to play in your head and write down the name of it (or write down the lyrics).

6) Pick up rock/stick and chuck it in a random direction (please don't hit anyone). 
7) Go to the place it lands.  Draw it, take a photo of it, and then draw
or take a photo of something interesting about that spot.  Perform a physical action (jump, pushups, stand on one foot).  Write down or draw your action.

8) Pick up rock/stick and chuck it in a random direction (please don't hit anyone).
9) Go to the place it lands.  Draw it, take a photo of it, and then draw
or take a photo of something interesting about that spot.  You are now frozen to that spot.  Only speaking to another human can release you. (The first person to come along was a delightful gal, by the name that name rang a bell, turns out we met last summer at my friends going away party, delightful person, I felt like an idiot for my forgetfulness.)

10) (After you have been released) Pick up rock/stick and chuck it in a random direction (please don't hit anyone)
11. Go to the place it lands.  Draw it, take a photo of it, and then draw
or take a photo of something interesting about that spot.  Close your eyes and take note of every single thing you can hear.  Open your eyes and write them down.

12) Pick up rock/stick and chuck it in a random direction (please don't hit anyone).
13.  Go to the place it lands.  Draw it, take a photo of it, and then draw
or take a photo of something interesting about that spot.  Sit down on the ground and get eye level with the surface.  Take a picture or draw what you see from that perspective.

14. Pick up rock/stick and chuck it in a random direction (please don't hit anyone).
15. Go to the place it lands.  Draw it, take a photo of it, and then draw
or take a photo of something interesting about that spot.  Describe the most intense emotion you have ever felt (positive or negative).  Don't detail the events of it, just write down ways to describe that state of emotion.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nudity In America

Day 30

Inspiration: Facebook chatting with JFK. Medium: Photoshop; Current feeling about sketch: Seriously, why?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Flowers

Day 29

Inspiration: Tic-Tac-Toe. Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: I miss making flower bouquets for my mom, next time I visit.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Day 28

Inspiration:  Photo I found. Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: I can't connect any feeling to this sketch, because I'm too tired, and the more I try and think the sleepier I get...current feeling about sketch, sleeping beauty, sleeping as in me, beauty as in her.  Also called this one scratched because that's the sound my drawing utensil has been making....and I totally want to fix her right eye, but I'm gonna sleep instead.