Saturday, January 14, 2012


Day 6 (evening)

Day 6 (afternoon)
Current feeling about sketch: Getting there, still not quite finished, hopefully tonight.

Day 5 (evening)

Current feeling about sketch:  You would think with all that water, the muddiness would go away.

Day 5 (early morning)
Inspiration: I watched a YouTube video a woman had posted about a plastic surgery accident, that causes her daily pain.  It was really very difficult to watch such raw emotion, I couldn't help but think about the theater, and what a superb performance that would have been had it not been a reality.  (This is the link:  I decided I wanted to capture that pain through art, and very quickly personal emotions and experiences began to take the piece somewhere I hadn't intended; Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: Life can be so draining sometimes, and where does it even all go?  Also, I plan on meddling with this piece a bit more.


  1. Intense and fascinating. Looking forward to seeing this one develop.

  2. Thanks Tyrras, I really appreciate your support.

  3. Great development here-- excellent depiction of lighting in different textures (no easy feat, that). Impressive, Kara. That surreal, gestural staircase in the back with the falling stick figures is perhaps my favorite element-- it complements the highly textured and intense foreground really well.
