Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk: Brainstorm Doodles

Day 17 (thought doodle #1)
Day 17 (thought doodle #2)

 Day 18 (doodle #3)
 Day 18 (doodle # 4)

Day 19 (brainstorming setup doodle)

Day 20 (set on an idea)

Current feeling about sketch: After a few days of futzing around with ghost doodling, my mind has finally managed to settle on a theme.  I was having a hard time getting in touch with the spirit of this piece, but with the bulk skeleton work setup, I'm excited to bring this piece to life with color.  I still have to figure out how to posture Jack...actually I still haven't met Jack yet, I've played around with ideas, and am closer to an image, but haven't quite made it there yet.

Day 21 (inching closer)
 Day 21
Day 22
Day 22
Day 22
Day 22


  1. good idea-- love that perspective shot.

  2. Keep pushing-- the arc of a successful piece is often up and down in terms of how easily it comes to us. Sometimes we can guide it, and sometimes we have to prod it. Other times, it takes off on its own and we're just along for the ride. It's looking good.
