Saturday, January 21, 2012

Drawing Pains

Day 12

Inspiration:  Two days ago I started getting a sharp glass-like feeling in my right hand, so I've been taking it easier on these drawings, which is very difficult for me. Medium: Photoshop using a tablet; Current feeling about sketch: Pretty much explains my hand pain, as a result my work has faltered, maybe this is good for helping me not be so OCD about my work all the time...patience is a virtue...and a pain.


  1. I broke my drawing hand when I was an undergraduate and my professor forced me to use my left hand to draw, even though I'm horribly one sided in my abilities. It was actually a pretty liberating experience.

  2. If my hand gets any worse, I may have to resort to using my left hand. If my work starts to look like I paid a preschooler to do my daily drawings, know it's just me trying to create my own liberating experience.
